What Is VPN And How It Works

Posted by Ilyas online blog

VPN stands for virtual private network, the private network (not for public access) that uses a non-personal medium (eg, the Internet) to connect between remote-site safely. The application of certain technologies in order to even use a common medium, but traffic (traffic) between the remote site can not be intercepted easily, nor allow others to smuggle undue traffic to the remote site.

According to the IETF, the Internet Engineering Task Force, a VPN is an emulation of [a] private Wide Area Network (WAN) IP using shared or public facilities, such as the Internet or private IP backbones.VPN is a form of public private network via the internet ( internet), with emphasis on data security and global access via the internet. This relationship is built through a tunnel (tunnel) between 2 virtual nodes.

is a private network (usually for a particular agency or group) in the Internet network (public), which is a private network as if they were accessing its local network but using public networks

VPN is a virtual connection that is private why are so called because in essence this network does not exist physically only a virtual network and why it is called private because this network is a network of private nature that not everyone can access it. VPN Connecting the PC to the public network or internet but its nature private, because it is private so not everyone can be connected to the network and access it. It is therefore necessary data security
VPN working concept basically requires a VPN server that berfungsing as a liaison between PCs. If pictured something like this
Internet <-> VPN Server <-> VPN Client <-> Client
when used to connect 2 computers with a private network such as the internet then this: A Computer <-> VPN clinet <-> Internet <-> VPN Server <-> VPN Client <-> Computer B
So all connections are set by the VPN Server VPN Server so it needs adequate skills so connections can be smoothly.

then what the hell do this VPN?? first of all VPN Server must be configured first and then in the VPN client program must be installed only after that can be connected. VPN on the client side will be making some sort of virtual connections so it will appear sort of VPN network adapter adater network (Lan card) but virtual. The task of VPN Client is doing authentication and encryption / decryption.
Well once connected then later when the client accessing the data tell a client wants to open the site http://www.google.com. This request before it is sent to the VPN server is encrypted by the first instance encrypted VPN Client with a formula that will contain the data request codes. After arriving to the VPN server by the server to decrypt this data in the formula A, having previously been configured between the server and the client, the server will have the same algorith to read an encryption. Vice versa, from server to client

Thus, the concept of security with VPN network offers security and untraceable, can not be detected so that our IP is not used is known as Public IP belongs to VPN servers. With no encryption and decryption of the data through the internet network is not accessible by others even by another client connected to the same VPN server though. Because the key to unlock the encryption is only known by the VPN server and client are connected. Encryption and decryption can cause data to be modified and read so keamananya guaranteed. To break down the data pirate decryption process data must pass the course to find the right formula takes a very long time so it is common to use super computing to break down and of course not everyone has a PC with this super abilities and the process is complicated and takes a long time, the agents FBI or CIA usually have this kind of computer to read confidential data that is sent through the VPN.

Is using a VPN connection is faster????? It depends on the connection between the client and the VPN server for the data processing is done on the VPN automatically all the data is entered into our computer from the Internet will go first to the VPN server so that when a client connection to a VPN server connection is good then it will also be much faster. Usually what happens is a slight decrease in speed is slower because it must first pass through 2 pathways including the encryption process. The VPN connection can be used to accelerate external (international) how???
for example, we have a local connection (IIX) equal 384kbps 1mbps and external connections use VPN so that we could be the same as the international connection local connection 1mbps. Ways to use VPN to VPN routed Local Affairs

Internet <-> VPN Affairs <-> VPN local <-> Client

why this network model can be faster because access to the outside network by external VPN and then forwarded by the local VPN nah we access to the local network, which means the access speed of 1mbps. Certainly needed a VPN with a large bandwidth so that connections can be smoothly.

Well why the HSDPA connection macem Telkomsel and Indosat get faster??? Operators to limit the bandwidth of the internet we say IM2 with 256kbps package if we use 3G and HSDPA networks sebenarny then we have a bandwidth of 384 kbps and 3.6 Mbps for HSDPA but only use 256kbps because the operator is restricted to the VPN server limitation can be broken ways will be discussed further.

Is able to make the Internet free and non-quota??? answer can be used as long as the gap is unknown operator. How to do this is to use a VPN to access a particular port server. Operators typically use a specific port for billing calculations and total unused data which can be exploited this loophole. For example there are certain ports that can be used to connect to the VPN server can be used free internet and free qouta. Why is that??? Port is not used for the calculation of billing so we did not pass well to the billing server port, then we can connect to the VPN server over the network internet.kita connect to the internet but do not pass through our automatic billing server not be charged and count calculated if the data does not count for very little pinging the server. By connecting to the VPN server then all access will be performed by the VPN server and transmitted through an open port earlier so that we could freely access the intenet. Such technique less there may be other techniques due to VPN has many advantages

Another advantage of a VPN is access anywhere. We have access to a computer at home through a VPN network for Internet-connected computer at home and we have Internet access required only for  VPN Client software configuration and authentication process. That way we can access the internet safely and undetected

Then How VPN works.?

Let's use an example to explain how the VPN works. Virtual Entity Networks Inc.. (VEN Inc.) Has two branches, London and Sydney. If the Australian branch in Sydney decided to contract the dealer, then the London office had to know right away. The main part of the IT infrastructure is provided in London. In Sydney there are twenty people whose jobs depend on the availability of data hosted on Server London.

Both locations are equipped with a permanent internet lines. Internet is a gateway router is set up to provide Internet access to staff it. Successor is set to protect the local network location from unauthorized access from the side, which is the "evil" internet. Successor as it provides for blocking specific traffic can be called a firewall and must be found within the individual branches are thought to take part in the VPN.

VPN software must be installed on the firewall or a server or appliance that is protected by it. Many firewalls modern equipment from manufacturers such as Cisco or Bintec include these features, and no VPN software for all hardware and software platforms.

In the next step, the VPN software must be set up to establish a connection to the VPN server instance lainnyasebagai London must accept connections from Sydney server, and the server must connect Sydney to London or vice versa. If this step is successfully completed, the company has a Virtual Network. Both branches are connected to the internet and can work together as in a real network. Here, we have a VPN without any privacy, because many internet roter between London and Sydney can read data exchange. A competitor who gained control of the internet on a roter can read all relevant business data network that actually was. So how do we create a Virtual Private Network? The solution is encryption. VPN path between two branches locked with a special key, and only the person or computer that has the key that can open and look at the data sender.

All data sent from Sydney to London or from London to Sydney should be encrypted before transmission and decrypted after. Encryption protects data in such connection from the walls of a train tunnel to protect the mountain around it. This explains why it is often known as a VPN tunnel (tunnel) or VPN tunneling, and tunneling technology is often referred to-even if no other Kwantum mechanics involved.

Proper encryption methods and provide the key to all partitions involving one of the main differentiating factor between different VPN solutions. A VPN connection is normally established between two routers internet access that comes with a firewall and VPN software. The software must be set up to connect to the VPN partner, the firewall must be set up to be able to access and exchange data between the VPN partner with encryption. Encryption keys must be presented for all VPN partner, so that exchanged data can only be read by authorized VPN partner.

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