1. Login to the VPS via putty or bitvise (remember user must be root). If Your are Using Bitvise press Open New Terminal Console after successful login. To check open ports on your ssh typing the following command:
# Netstat-ntulp
2. Install nano for easy editing as I comfortably use nano, by typing the command:
# Yum install nano
wait until the installation is complete.
3. Once it's finished installing nano, then type the command again:
# Nano / etc / ssh / sshd_config
Then edit as shown. Use the arrows on your keyboard to move.
Then add the port what do you want to add
in this TUT i will add port 443
Then press Ctrl + X and press Y and Enter.
completed, but port 443 can not be used because it must be restarted first
now type the command:
# Service sshd restart
And All Done
Thanks For Reading :)
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