Definition of MAN ( Metropolitan Area Network ) is a computer network that is large and spacious which is usually used in areas such as schools , colleges , malls and even the city as well . Actually there are two types of connections are typically used the first is by using a wireless connection and the second using fiber optic cable . For instance ,
a school or college has a MAN connection consisting of multiple LANs and are at a radius of a few pounds around the place . Then connect the campus with the MAN also has relationships with other universities to form a WAN or the Internet .
There are also other examples with some technology that uses MAN connections such as ATM , FDDI and SMDS . Here below I give also an explanation of the ATM , FDDI and SMDS .
1 . ATM , or Asynchronous Transfer Mode instead Automated Teller yes . ATM is a cell relay network protocol that clicking - encoded traffic or traffic data to a smaller cell forms such as 53 bytes , 48 bytes and 5 bytes .
2 . FDDI or Fiber Distributed Data Interface is a standard data transmission in a LAN that includes a sizable range is up to 200 kilometers away . FDDI can also include thousands of users . Standard medium is used to connect fiber optic , even though it could also use copper wires , but with the proviso shall be in accordance with the FDDI technology if not then the transmission will be interrupted .
3 . Or SMDS Switched Multi -megabit Data Services is a service connection to the LAN , MAN and WAN to the data exchange standard based on the IEEE 802.6 DQDB . For the connection between MAN and LAN can be done by using radio signals , microwaves and infrared .
wow, I just know what definition MAN itself.. good info..
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