Dual Channel Memory

Posted by Ilyas online blog

Facts of Dual Channel Memory Terminology actually nothing , because things such as dual - channel DDR memory , especially on when it is properly used , hence the term " dual channel " refers to a chipset on the motherboard is designed with two memory channels instead of one . Dual Channel memory handling process more efficient by utilizing the theoretical bandwidth of two modules , thus reducing latency in the system and timing delays that often occur in a single memory module . For example , when the controller reads and writes data while the second controller prepares for the next access , without having to start reading / writing process from the beginning again .

Consider an analogy in which data is loaded into memory , then the data is sent to the CPU .
Single - channel memory will send the data to the processor through a single channel at a maximum rate of 64 bits at a time . On the other hand , dual - channel memory which uses two channels , has the ability to transmit data up to two times faster at a rate of 128 bits at a time . This process works the same way when data is " emptied " of the processor by turning the process flow of data . A chip " memory controller " is responsible for handling the data transfers involving all the memory modules and the processor . This chip controls the flow of data and prevent data flow is not excessive when the process is underway .

It is estimated that the dual- channel memory architecture is able to increase the bandwidth by 10 % .
Most systems that support dual -channel memory can be configured manually either single -channel or dual - channel memory . The fact that the motherboard supports dual - channel DDR memory , does not guarantee that the DIMM can be used in dual channel mode . Not enough to live only a few pairs of the memory module into the memory slot to enable dual - channel , users must follow specific rules when adding memory modules to ensure that they get the performance of a dual - channel memory . Intel specifies that the motherboard has dual channel function must be in the default mode or single-channel mode because if these rules are violated, the function of dual channel motherboard will not run .

The following are the rules for dual channel run smoothly :
DIMMs ( memory ) must be installed in pairs .
Both DIMMs must use the same memory chip .
Both DIMMs must use the same DRAM bus width .
Both DIMMs must be either . ( Not Damaged or Dead RAM )

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